Mark 教授课题组诚聘纳米材料和透射电子显微镜方向副教授
Associate Professor Position in Nano-materials and Transmission Electron Microscopy
yl7703永利官网能源与材料创新研究所(SIEMIS)与yl7703永利官网诚聘研究透射电子显微镜(TEM)和二维材料合成领域讲师及副教授。期望对原位TEM有浓厚兴趣。有使用锂离子电池的经验最佳,但不是必备条件。期望该职位候选人促进电子显微镜领域的发展,并能发展基于原位透射电子显微镜的基本水平和/或其应用的纳米材料的研究项目。成功的候选人将可以使用包括Mark Rummeli及电子显微镜实验室的优良设施,其中包括最先进的Cs / Cc校正FEI Titan Themis。
如需了解更多详情或咨询,请联系Mark Hummeli教授,邮件。
The Soochow Institute for Energy and Materials InnovationS (SIEMIS) and the College of Energy, Soochow University, Suzhou, China invite applications for an Assistant Professor position and lecture position in the area of Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and 2D materials synthesis. A strong interest in developing in situ TEM is desired. Experience with Li ion batteries is helpful, but not a prerequisite. This individual will be expected to support the development of young electron microscopists and develop a research program based on in situ transmission electron microscopy with respect to nano-materials at a fundamental level and/or their application. The successful candidate will take advantage of the excellent facilities of the Mark Rummeli laboratories and electron microcopy laboratories which includes a state-of-the-art Cs/Cc corrected FEI Titan Themis.
The successful candidate shall be responsible for developing an internationally visible program of funded research and potentially some teaching duties. The individual will be willing to build strong collaborations with colleagues in the Soochow Institute for Energy and Materials Innovations and the College of Energy.
For further details or queries please contact Prof. Mark H Rummeli at
The position will remain open until filled.