英文名称 | General Biology | 课程代码 | MDNE2032 |
课程性质 | 专业选修课程 | 授课对象 | 新能源材料与器件 |
学 分 | 3.00 | 学 时 | 54 |
主讲教师 | Saeed | 修订日期 | 2023年3月 |
指定教材 | “Biology” – by Neil A. Campbell and Jane B. Reece, 9th edition. |
1.1Instruction will focus on enduring, conceptual understandings and the content that supports them. Students will spend less time on factual recall and more time on inquiry-based learning of essential concepts which will help them to develop the reasoning skills necessary to engage in the science practices.
2.1develop inquiring minds and curiosity about science and the natural world
3.1The aims of learning biological science like knowledge, understanding of science, nurturance of process skills, development of scientific attitude, scientific temper, nurturance of curiosity, creativity and aesthetic sense, imbibing values, developing problem solving and relating biological science education.
课程目标 | 课程子目标 | 对应课程内容 | 对应毕业要求 |
课程目标1 | 1.1 | acquire knowledge, conceptual understanding and skills to solve problems and make informed decisions in scientific and other contexts | 具有良好的心理素质和学习生活习惯,具备不断学习和适应发展的终身学习能力。 |
课程目标2 | 2.1 | think analytically, critically and creatively to solve problems, judge arguments and make decisions in scientific and other contexts | 培养科学探究的技能,以设计和开展科学调查并评估科学证据以得出结论 |
课程目标3 | 3.1 | appreciate the benefits and limitations of science and its application in technological developments | 理解科学的国际性以及科学、技术和社会的相互依存关系,包括社会、经济、政治、环境、文化和伦理因素带来的好处、局限和影响 |
第一章 The Chemistry of Life and a tour of the Cell
1.教学目标 make connections across different areas of biology
2.教学重难点 Mitochondria and chloroplasts change energy from one form to another
3.教学内容 Active transport uses energy to move solutes against their gradients
4.教学方法 Enzymes speed up metabolic reactions by lowering energy barriers
5.教学评价 Glycolysis and the citric acid cycle connect to many other metabolic pathways
第二章 Genetics
1.how the Mendelian model applies to the inheritance of human variations, including hereditary disorders such as sickle-cell disease.
2.Genes specify proteins via transcription and translation
3.Transcription is the DNA-directed synthesis of RNA: a closer look
4.Understanding the processes of gene expression, which are similar in all three domains of life
1.The biological species concept emphasizes reproductive isolation
2.Major changes in body form can result from changes in the sequences and regulation of developmental genes
3.Structural and functional adaptations contribute to prokaryotic success
章节 | 章节内容 | 学时分配 |
第一章 | The Chemistry of Life | 6 |
第二章 | Genetics | 18 |
第三章 | Evolution | 10 |
周次 | 日期 | 章节名称 | 内容提要 | 授课时数 | 作业及要求 | 备注 |
1 | 2023.2.21 to 2023.3.21 | Chapter 1 - 5 | The Chemical Context of Life, Water and Life, Carbon and the Molecular Diversity of Life, and the Structure and Function of Large Biological Molecules | 3 | understand how matter and energy flow during life’s processes and how that flow is regulated. | |
2 | 2023.3.28 to 2023.5.9 | Chapter 6 - 18 | Cell and Genetics | 3 | examine the tools and techniques that allow us to understand cells Understanding the processes of gene expression | |
3 | 2023.5.16 to 2023.6.6 | Chapter 19 - 23 | Biotechnology Evolution | 3 | to establish what we actually mean when we talk about “species.” | |
17 (五号宋体) | 2023.6.13 | Overall Revision | Revision | 3 | Overall Revision | |
18 | 2023.6.20 | Final exam |
1. “Biology” – by Neil A. Campbell and Jane B. Reece, 9th edition.
3. 探究式教学
鼓励学生提出问题和研究自己的想法有助于提高他们解决问题的能力,并加深对学术概念的理解。 这两者都是重要的生活技能。
课程目标 | 考核要点 | 考核方式 |
课程目标1 | 学生是否可以按时参与并完成学习任务 | 出勤;作业提交;课堂练习;笔试 |
课程目标2 | 学生是否诚实完成学习目标 | 作业提交;课堂练习;笔试 |
课程目标3 | 学生是否理解课堂所学重点并加以运用 | 作业提交;课堂练习;笔试 |
考核占比 课程目标 | 平时 | 期中 | 期末 | 总评达成度 |
课程目标1 | 20 | 30 | 50 | 课程目标总体达成度={0.2x平时目标1&2&3成绩+0.3x期中目标1&2&3成绩+0.5x期末目标1&2&3成绩}/课程目标总分。 |
课程目标2 | 20 | 30 | 50 | |
课程目标3 | 20 | 30 | 50 |
课程 目标 | 评分标准 | ||||
90-100 | 80-89 | 70-79 | 60-69 | <60 | |
优 | 良 | 中 | 合格 | 不合格 | |
A | B | C | D | F | |
课程 目标1 | 每节课出勤正常;作业提交按时且认真;课堂练习完成质量高;笔试综合成绩90+。 | 每节课出勤正常,偶有规范请假;作业提交按时且完成度较好;课堂练习完成质量较高;笔试综合成绩80+。 | 每节课出勤基本无异常,请假3次以内;作业基本能完成,偶有补交;课堂练习基本能完成;笔试综合成绩70+。 | 每节课出勤异常较多;作业一半以上能完成,补交次数很多;课堂练习完成有难度;笔试综合成绩60+。 | 出勤基本不正常;作业基本不能完成;课堂练习无法完成;笔试综合成绩60以下。 |
课程 目标2 | 作业、课堂练习和笔试完全真实个人水平呈现 | 作业、课堂练习和笔试可以较真实个人水平呈现 | 作业、课堂练习和笔试基本可以呈现个人水平,但波动性强 | 作业、课堂练习和笔试较难确定个人水平 | 作业、课堂练习和笔试明显有作弊或不真实行为 |
课程 目标3 | 作业和课堂练习准确度高,无错误;笔试综合成绩90+ | 作业和课堂练习准确度较高,基本无错误;笔试综合成绩80+ | 作业和课堂练习错误率较低;笔试综合成绩70+ | 作业和课堂练习错误率较高;笔试综合成绩60+ | 作业和课堂练习错误率极高或无法完成;笔试综合成绩60以下 |